If 'Seinfeld' is the show about nothing, MOONIE is the sitcom about the little somethings, poking fun at the microaggressions and annoyances of everyday life for a group of early 30-something Black queer friends. Prank-loving butch comedian, Moonie, is at the center of this immature crew that never shies away from escalating the absurd to the outrageous.
Meet the Cast
Director & Co-Creator
Jess Desvarieux (she/her) is the co-creator, head writer, and director of the comedy web series MOONIE. From working as an international reporter for TIME Magazine to launching her own law practice, nothing compares to the thrill of seeing characters come to life. During the pandemic, she birthed two babies, her daughter, Vivian, and the screenplay, Butch Baby Mama, which she co-wrote with her sister, Moonie. Known as the LinkedIn of the entertainment industry, Stage 32 named Butch Baby Mama a finalist in their 2022 Comedy Feature Screenwriting Contest.